This program will install Jack B. Nymble v2.1.4 on your system.
BEFORE CONTINUING it is recommended that you close any other programs which are currently running. Setup cannot update files if they are in use.
RECOMMENDED installation directory is C:\JBN2. If you install this program into a crowded directory such as Program Files it will slow down program startup. In that case, move your Books folder to another location after installation.
Note: This installation EXE file is ZIP-compatible. It may be opened using ZIP software and individual files may be extracted as needed. This setup program is distributed with a PGP signature file (.sig).
Jack B. Nymble v2 Users:
If you are upgrading from JBN v2.0 or v2.1, please install this update into your JBN2 program folder (usually C:\JBN2). JBN 2.0 users will need to resubmit their nym accounts (see JBN1 instructions above).
Jack B. Nymble v1 Users:
If you are upgrading from JBN v1, please do NOT install this program into JBN1's folder. Use a new program folder for JBN2. JBN1 may remain on your system.
Once you have the program configured, in order to take advantage of JBN2's nym management features, please load your nym books in JBN2, save them in your new Nyms folder, and run them. Send the configuration request and confirm it. This will update your nym accounts registry, and will add random tags to your reply-blocks which JBN2 uses to securely maintain your accounts.
Advanced Information:
The following files in your Windows system may be updated and registered, depending on their version (You will be given the option of saving backups of replaced files):